Bakalyar Scholarship
Brother Lanny was one of the founders of Local 668. He served as this Local's President, Vice President, Steward, Local Executive Board Member, and Council 14 Executive Board Representative. In addition, Brother Lanny was always willing to volunteer for Local committee work; he was a member of many negotiations committees in addition to others.
Furthermore, he represented the Membership as a delegate to local, state and national AFSCME and AFL-CIO conventions. Brother Lanny believed in the concept of a Union and what it stands for. In doing so, he worked and fought hard for the members of this Local Union. So in Brother Lanny Bakalyar's name, we, the member's of AFSCME Local 668, offer this scholarship. The applicant must be in the current High School graduating class or attending a post-secondary school within five years of High School graduation.
Applicants can only submit (1) one application form even if they have (2) two parents who or legal guardian must be a member of AFSCME Local 668 prior to the drawing. The scholarship recipient must attend an accredited Post-secondary School (College, University, Technical, Vocational, Trade, or Graduate).
A winner and alternate will be drawn by lot at the March General Membership meeting. Applicant's parent or legal guardian must be present to win.
For 2007, the membership voted to award two $500 scholarships to mark the 10th anniversary of the Lanny Bakalyar Scholarship. In light of rapidly rising post-secondary education costs, Local 668 will award one $1,000 scholarship beginning in 2008. During the Covid pandemic, Local 668 increased the number of scholarships and amounts by vote of General Membership. In 2024, it was determined that the executive board would make recommendations for any additional scholarships each January.
Local 668 has awarded $57,500 since the inception of the scholarship to help pay the costs of post-secondary education for the children of Local 668 members. Since 2022, the local has also given $6,000 in scholarships for our members who are attending post-secondary programs.
Official Rules
- Applicants must be in the current High School graduating class or attending a post-secondary school.
The amount of the scholarship will be $1,000.00.
Applicants may only win this scholarship one time.
Applicant's parent or legal guardian must be a member of AFSCME Local 668 prior to the drawing.
The scholarship recipient must attend at accredited post-secondary school including colleges, universities, vocational, technical, trade, and graduate schools.
Parent or legal guardian must be present at the drawing to win.
The Executive Board will be responsible to ensure that notice is provided to Local Union membership concerning this scholarship.
The Local will be notified of the scholarship during the month of February.
The application must be submitted by the established time and date each year.
A winner and alternate must be drawn by lot at the March general membership meeting.
The drawing will take place on the agenda under " Good and Welfare".
Winner must use scholarship within one year of receipt.
Funding for this scholarship will come from the Local union's general fund.
The Lanny Bakalyar Scholarship Fund will be a budget item in the Local Unions annual budget. For as long as AFSCME Local 668 exists and/or until the membership by a vote 50% plus 1, deciding otherwise.