AFSCME Blog Feed
- Fight for a living wage unites public library workers in Newark, New Jersey — Mar 28
- The White House’s big lie about not touching Social Security — Mar 27
- Workers at 2 famous LA museums form a joint union through AFSCME — Mar 26
- Administration targets library, museum funding as part of effort to slash public services — Mar 26
- Labor and civil rights luminaries celebrate the life, legacy of Bill Lucy — Mar 25
Local 668’s Committees (are appointed by the Local President unless otherwise specified):
Labor Management Committees (LMC):
Interceptor Service Worker LMC
Chair Eric Geertsema
Made up of members from the different Interceptor Service groups, metering and alarm and management to discuss and resolve differences to increase moral and diminish problems.
Council-wide LMC
Chair Tiffany Leff
Made up of members from the different Met Council Divisions and management to discuss and resolve differences. Topics will include terms and conditions of employment vs work rules. More information in Section 1 of contract and Letter of Agreement.
JLMC - Joint Labor Management Committee
Chair Eric Geertsema
Established in 2019, it is a committee of Unions and Environmental Services Management to address common issues and concerns of the trades and field workers.
Labor Management Benefits Advisory Committee (LMBAC)
Chairs Tiffany Troudt & Jed Hanson
Regular meeting committee of Unions, Met Council Management and others to discuss our self-insured health, dental and wellness plans is being maintained in a satisfactory way by all involved with the plan.
Health & Wellness Steering Committee*
Chair Tiffany Troudt
Subcommittee of LMBAC which meets quarterly. Is a meeting among Unions, Met Council Management and Fit for Life Staff to discuss and work on specific health initiatives and programs. Reports back on happenings. *As of 7/2024, this committee has not met since the start of covid.
Sunshine Committee:
Chair Tiffany Troudt
Is in our By-laws to ensure the Local is able to extend good and wellness during times of sadness and happiness. The Local is not notified of most of these struggles or milestone, so we need the help of the membership to notify us of when members could benefit from this committee.
Membership Committee:
Chair Renae Pereia-Webb
Keeping track of membership lists, card process and charting. Reports with organizing committee on Full membership.
Organizing Committee:
Chair Vacant
Interacts with membership to try to promote full membership and conversion to new Maintenance of Membership cards. Maintains open dialog with membership to answer any questions. Reports on progress of converting and new Full members added.
Communications Committee:
Chair Jed Hanson
Maintain, improve, and explore ways to communicate with our members. Potential areas to expand include more social media like Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in and text messaging. Also includes the Local’s newsletter and coordinates cohesive appearance across Local documents. The website is in the By-laws.
Council 5/Political Action Committee:
Chairs: Renae Pereira-Webb
Elected official of the Council 5 Executive Board. Reports on happenings there and political news. Rapid Response Team (RRT) and other political actions coordinator.
Social Event Committee:
Chair Manking Lee
Plans, organizes, promotes and hosts social events for the Local. Events have included Saints Games, Pool Party, and Bowling Party. Reports on past and upcoming events.
Budget Committee: In the By-laws.
Chair: Manking Lee
Meets annually to discuss and make a recommended budget for the following year. Reports and seeks approval of the General Membership.
Elections Related Committees: (Occur and appointed yearly)
Nominations Committee
Inquirers into officeholders’ interests and seeks eligible candidates to fill all the positions.
Elections Committee (if needed)
Informs candidates and membership of rules and regulations of an election that will occur for an election. Oversees ballot voting and counting.
Contract Negotiations Committees:
Chair Tiffany Leff (other chairs may be appointed)
Includes many committees:
Negotiations Prep Committee: Preparing for the upcoming negotiations with a survey and other means of solicitation of input from membership.
Negotiations Preparation Committee (Formally At-Large Negotiations Committee): Meets to compile and prioritize all input received from the membership.
Contract Negotiations Team: Elected team that sits at the bargaining table during contract negotiations.
Contract Bargaining Communications Committee: If communication is needed during the bargaining session, then coordinated message and information to membership in appropriate distribution means is developed by this committee.
Contract Voting Committee: Responsible for ensuring the integrity of the ballot box during voting.
Strike Committees:
General Strike Committee: Plans and coordinates all aspects of a strike.
Hardship Fund & Family/Social Committee: Responsible for family and social outreach and management of the hardship fund for members during a strike.
Public Relations Committee: Manages all public relations communication and outreach during strike.
Internal Communications Committee: Coordinates communication to members before and during the strike.